Becoming a member organisation

An organisation can become a member if it uses or commits to learning GAP-I approaches and methods and introducing at least one ‘GAP style’ program for its constituency.

We aim to reduce the likelihood of organisational members within the network competing for project funding and opportunities. Therefore, in case of multiple organisations in any one country applying for membership in the networks, the current member(s) in that country must be satisfied that the applicant conducts or intends to conduct GAP-like/related activities in:

  • distinct regions within the country and/or
  • with distinct audiences (e.g., one with young people only, one with businesses etc.).

In case of a disagreement about multiple membership within one country the case is put to the GAP-I Board for ultimate decision.

Organisational members are:

  • entitled to use most of the GAP-I material free of charge or at a preferential rate.
  • entitled to be part of international projects or programmes launched by multiple members.
  • invited to international meetings and workshops.
  • eligible for preferential rates for training and other membership benefits decided by the Board and AGM.
  • eligible to vote at the AGM.
  • listed on the GAP-I web site.
  • entitled to use the GAP-I logo.
  • eligible to host GAP-I meetings and workshops.

In return they are expected to:

  • adhere to the Articles of Association and the GAP International Membership Charter.
  • make their additions and improvements to GAP-I material available to other network members.
  • coordinate development and delivery of ‘GAP-I style’ programs in their region or country, including the collection of relevant data about effects and impact.
  • be an active contributor to international projects and programmes when choosing to be a part thereof.
  • ensure that ‘GAP-I style’ programs delivered in their region or country meet GAP-I criteria for content and effectiveness.
  • abide by the decisions of the AGM.

Take a look at our Membership FAQs page if you have any questions.